UPDATE 6/6/17: We’ve added that Utah has now had seven river fatalities and a “water watcher” safety tip. UPDATE 5/11/17: The first line has been updated to reflect Utah’s current disaster declaration count. Helping you help others get ready for floods SALT LAKE CITY — Flooding is the most common weather-related natural disaster. In Utah, ten of […]
Emergency Management News
How to lead Citizen Corps into the future
By James Ray One of the great strategies to give a Citizen Corps program effective direction is to make sure you have clear mission, vision, goals and objectives (MVGOs), and that each are effectively communicated to your constituents. Without these critical directives in place, many programs lose supporters and direction, and in the long run […]

Great Utah ShakeOut Reaches 1 Million Participants
By Joe Dougherty We’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Since 2011, I’ve been dreaming of the day we could declare that 1 million people had participated in our annual earthquake drill. We’ve gotten so close, and now that day is here. A record-breaking 1,004,593 Utahns participated this year! Gov. Gary Herbert challenged Utah […]
Mark Your Calendars for the 2016 Utah Prepare Conference & Expo
By Ken Kraudy Now, more than ever, people are looking for tools and resources to help them prepare for emergencies or disasters. Look no further than the 6th Annual Utah Prepare Conference and Expo on Saturday, August 27, 2016. Cost: $5 per person (Ages 12 and under are free) This annual conference provides an […]
Preparedness is for EOCs, too
By Kristen Blunck Earthquakes, floods, or tornadoes can strike at any moment, causing damage to homes, businesses, roads and critical infrastructure. These damages can limit the flow of water due to broken pipelines, stall relief efforts and prevent the delivery of food and supplies. Whatever the disaster might be, maintaining a food and water supply […]

Fireworks are Fun…
…when they don’t cause fires or injury By Tara Behunin and Don Cobb Though we are officially out of “firework” season in Utah, we’re sharing some firework information for the next time the season rolls around. You’re clear to light fireworks three days before and after the Fourth of July and the Pioneer Day celebrations on […]

A Bit About the Weather: Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador Initiative
By Kevin Barjenbruch I sometimes ramble, so this segment will address weather items of potential interest in a concise manner, hence the “Bit.” Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassadors partner with the National Weather Service to improve readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events in their communities. WRN Ambassadors agree to promote […]

Approaching Federal Grant Deadlines
By Samantha Falde With the end of June comes the end of another grant cycle for several federal grant programs administered by the Utah Division of Emergency Management (DEM). Recipients of funds should be aware that several grant awards are set to expire at the end of June, and that awards must be spent […]

Mark your calendars for the 2017 Search and Rescue Conference
By Cody Barton Search and rescue members and other first responders representing almost every county in Utah come together for the annual Fish Lake Search and Rescue Conference. This event provides a great venue for learning new skills and developing networks. If you weren’t able to attend this past weekend, mark your calendars for the first […]

Deadline approaches for next class of Utah Certified Emergency Managers
From the Director: Thank you to those who have committed to raising the level of professionalism of the emergency management discipline. Since we launched the Utah Certified Emergency Manager program in 2015, the Division of Emergency Management and Utah Emergency Management Association have been proud of the great response from the EM community in Utah. […]