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Draft EOP/Public Feedback
Our Emergency Operations Plan provides a high-level overview of how the state will conduct a disaster response and includes the purpose, scope, applicability, situation, and concept of operations of generic state response activities.
Please leave your feedback below, including suggested edits or questions/comments. If you prefer to email your feedback, please email allivalora@utah.gov.
The comment period for this document closes on December 31 at 11:59pm.
The Utah Division of Emergency Management is the lead state government agency in Utah for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response (including state-to-state mutual aid), and recovery actions and activities.

2024 Spring Floods
Every spring, Utah communities experience heightened flood risk due to the
combination of runoff from snowmelt together with ongoing spring snowfalls
and rain. Below are several resources to help you, your family and your
community prepare, respond to, and reduce flood risk.

Emergency Managers,
Community Leaders,
and State Agency Partners
Click above to access important
flood management resources.
Included are information and links for:
-How to prepare your community for a flood
-Managing a flood emergency
-Recovery after a flood
-Flood mitigation

Community Members
Click above to access Be Ready Utah
which is the public outreach program of the
Utah Division of Emergency Management.
Learn how Utah citizens can reduce their
flooding risk.
Other Flood-Related Resources
Visit the webpage of Utah’s Division of Emergency Management’s
Floodplain and Mapping and Management Program.
See how other State of Utah Departments and Divisions
address flooding.
Click on tabs to choose an EOC dashboard

The Great Utah ShakeOut
Mark your calendars for April 18, 2024, for the thirteenth annual Great Utah ShakeOut!
The Drop, Cover, and Hold on drill is less than a year away. Now is the time to register your family, church group, business, school or workplace at ShakeOut.org/utah.
In the mean time, you can upload photos, stories or videos to the ShakeOut website by logging into your profile. Take time to ramp up your preparedness by visiting our Be Ready Utah program. You can also download your own banners to display on your website, blog or Facebook page from the Resources section of the site.
If you practiced Drop, Cover, and Hold on sometime in 2023 you can still be counted in the 2023 ShakeOut. Just update your registration at ShakeOut.org/utah.
Since 2012, we have had 9.9 million registrations in the Great Utah ShakeOut.
Want to know who’s participating? Here’s the list.
Follow the ShakeOut on Twitter: @UtahShakeOut or by using the hashtag #shakeout. Check us out on Facebook, too.
Do you know Utah’s natural hazards?
Visit hazards.utah.gov, local government’s resource for knowing what can go wrong and how to fix it.

Find my Emergency Manager
Safety Topics
- Power outages
- Wildfire Season
- National Preparedness Month (September)
- Cybersecurity Awareness Month (October)
More emergency preparedness information at: