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Mark Your Calendars for the 2016 Utah Prepare Conference & Expo

By Ken Kraudy

Now, more than ever, people are looking for tools and resources to help them prepare for emergencies or disasters.

Look no further than the 6th Annual Utah Prepare Conference and Expo on Saturday, August 27, 2016.

Cost: $5 per person (Ages 12 and under are free)

Utah PREPARE Conf. & Expo Announcement


This annual conference provides an opportunity for the general public to participate in preparedness workshops, view the products provided by exhibitors, and network with those who are interested in making themselves and their communities more prepared.

Conference topics include:

  • Health in Emergencies
  • Living in Tents
  • Disaster Sanitation
  • Pets & Emergencies
  • Communications
  • 20 to Ready
  • Protecting your Valuables
  • Living out of a Backpack
  • Earthquake Lessons Learned and many more!

Don’t forget the preparedness and food storage vendors that are available for your questions or to get you started on your emergency supplies.

Conference organizers include the Utah Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, Be Ready Utah, Salt Lake County Emergency Management, Utah State University Extension, Brigham Young University and The American Red Cross.

Learn more about the conference and expo at UtahPrepare.org.
Purchase tickets on Eventbrite.

Utah PREPARE Conf. & Expo Photo 3      Utah PREPARE Conf. & Expo Photo 2


Ken Kraudy is a Community Outreach Specialist for the Utah Division of Emergency Management’s Be Ready Utah Program.

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