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Statewide Mutual Aid Committee

The Statewide Mutual Aid Committee was created to review the progress and status of the statewide mutual aid system assist in developing methods to track and evaluate activation of the system and examine issues facing participating political subdivisions regarding implementation of the Statewide Mutual Aid Act.

The committee shall develop comprehensive guidelines and procedures that address the operation of the system, including projected or anticipated costs of responding to emergencies checklists for requesting and providing assistance; record keeping for participating political subdivisions; reimbursement procedures and other necessary implementation elements and necessary forms for requests; and other records documenting deployment and return of assets.

Mutual aid forms are available here

The committee may prepare an annual report on the condition and effectiveness of the statewide mutual aid system, make recommendations for correcting any deficiencies, and submit the report to an appropriate legislative committee.

The Council meets at least annually and its membership consists of:

DEM Director Kris Hamlet (chair)


  • One or more representatives from state agencies that provide public safety service.
  • One or more representatives of counties recommended from the Utah Association of Counties.
  • One or more representatives of municipalities recommended from the Utah League of Cities and Towns
  • One or more representatives of public safety districts and public safety interlocal entities recommended from the Utah Association of Special Districts.

All public notices for the public meetings for the Emergency Management Administration Council are posted on the State’s Public Meetings Notice website.