State Hazard Mitigation Team – SHMT
The Utah State Hazard Mitigation Team (SHMT) consists of representatives, with hazard specific expertise, from state and federal agencies, local agencies and professional organizations. The SHMT’s role is to:
- Provide pre and post hazard mitigation information and technical assistance to local governments and individuals.
- Identify specific mitigation measures and assist in their implementation.
- Assist in evaluation and review of existing hazard mitigation plans.
SHMT Activities
State Emergencies
SHMT responds to natural hazard events/emergencies. This coordinated response allows local emergency managers effective access to hazard specific expertise and mitigation recommendations can be developed on site.
Presidential Disaster Declaration
Following a declared disaster the SHMT will:
- Evaluate the hazards in the disaster area.
- Identify possible funded mitigation measures as a condition for disaster assistance that will be included in the State Hazard Mitigation Plan.
- Make mitigation recommendations as to policies, strategies, and actions to reduce future losses.
- May assist with Preliminary Damage Assessment Teams.
Community Outreach
SHMT members assist in the development of periodic and/or seasonal hazard advisory (severe weather, flood, drought, fire, etc.) that will allow communities to evaluate mitigation activities and preparedness efforts.
Community Request for Natural Hazard Evaluation
SHMT members may assist in the evaluation of specific hazards, threats and risks to local communities.
If you have any questions regarding the SHMT, Predisaster Mitigation Planning or the Predisaster Mitigation Program feel free to contact Janna Wilkinson at (385) 214-5857 or