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A Bit About the Weather: Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador Initiative

By Kevin Barjenbruch

I sometimes ramble, so this segment will address weather items of potential interest in a concise manner, hence the “Bit.”

Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassadors partner with the National Weather Service to improve readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events in their communities. WRN Ambassadors agree to promote WRN messages (shared seasonally or perhaps more frequently), collaborate on outreach and education efforts, share success stories, and serve as an example.


Once approved, you will begin receiving occasional messaging packages from the National Weather Service and a copy of the above logo for placement on your agency website.

Please consider joining the effort! Register on the WRN Ambassador page at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/com/weatherreadynation/amb_tou.html

If you have questions, please contact me at kevin.barjenbruch@noaa.gov. Also, feel free to distribute to your partners in the public and private sectors. Requests for weather and water support always welcome!


Kevin Barjenbruch is the warning coordination meteorologist at NOAA’s National Weather Service
Weather Forecast Office, Salt Lake City

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