Natural Hazards

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Earthquakes, flooding and wildfires are the most common natural disasters in Utah. As we have seen in recent years, landslides, windstorms, pandemics, droughts, and smoke also represent a risk to Utah residents. On this page you will find links to Division of Emergency Management Programs for managing risks from earthquakes and floods. Descriptions of Utah hazards in general can be found in Utah’s Disaster Mitigation Plan.

Utah is earthquake country. Earthquakes can strike at any time without warning causing major damage to homes and critical infrastructures. They are almost always followed by aftershocks that can be even larger than the initial quake. There are things you can do to prepare your home and your family for an earthquake. Many of these things will help prepare you for other emergencies and disasters too.
Visit the Utah Division of Emergency Management Earthquake Program

Among all of Utah’s natural disasters, floods cause the most economic loss to Utah citizens. Various types of flood hazards within the state include flash floods, stream bank and overbank flooding, alluvial fan flooding, debris flow & mud slides, dam breaks, post-fire flooding, and more.
Visit Utah’s Floodplain Management
Visit Utah Risk MAP, Utah’s
Flood Risk Mapping Program

Flood after Fire
Wildfires affect landscape and soil conditions, dramatically increasing the risk of flash floods and debris flows during subsequent heavy rains. This is because the burned, bare ground is unable to absorb rainwater, leading to higher rates of runoff and flash flooding. Properties downstream of burn scars are suddenly at much greater flood risk and their owners should consider purchasing flood insurance even if they are not located within a known floodplain.
Find out about Flood after Fire
Resources in Utah