Share your story
We’re seeking to have a new kind of story told in our state, the story of preparedness and how it works.
For too long, we, as government officials, have been doggedly sharing disaster statistics and why you should prepare. It works sometimes, and we’re not going to stop. But we’re launching this project to help regular people tell their stories of preparedness.
We hope that as Utahns hear about emergency preparedness from their friends, neighbors and co-workers, they will feel inspired to start working on their own preparedness. And then maybe, just maybe, they’ll share their story, too.

Here’s how it will work:
- Please fill out this form.
- We will contact you for further details.
- We plan to publish a blog post about your story (only with your permission) at
- Those blog posts will become a sort of reference library for Utah-style emergency preparedness and over time, we will share these posts through our social media channels.
Thanks for joining us in this journey.
Joe Dougherty, public information officer
Utah Division of Emergency Management (if you have any questions)