By Ken Kraudy Now, more than ever, people are looking for tools and resources to help them prepare for emergencies or disasters. Look no further than the 6th Annual Utah Prepare Conference and Expo on Saturday, August 27, 2016. Cost: $5 per person (Ages 12 and under are free) This annual conference provides an […]
Posts Tagged ‘Be Ready Utah’
Preparedness is for EOCs, too
By Kristen Blunck Earthquakes, floods, or tornadoes can strike at any moment, causing damage to homes, businesses, roads and critical infrastructure. These damages can limit the flow of water due to broken pipelines, stall relief efforts and prevent the delivery of food and supplies. Whatever the disaster might be, maintaining a food and water supply […]
When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors
As of July 8, 2015, 17 people have died from lightning strikes in the United States — ALL of these deaths were avoidable. This is double the average number of year-to-date lightning fatalities (8.8) over the past five years (2010-2014). There are several possible reasons for this, such as more convective activity across the country; an […]